Welcome to BEST Health and Wellness, an integral part of Norwich Private GP Services,
where we combine the power of Lifestyle Medicine and Positive Psychology to offer
innovative transformative programs that elevate your well-being to new heights.

At BEST Health and Wellness, we understand that true wellness encompasses more than just the absence of disease. It involves nurturing and optimizing every aspect of your life, from physical health to mental and emotional well-being. 

For this reason, we have developed a unique approach that integrates Lifestyle Medicine and Positive Psychology to provide comprehensive and transformative programs tailored to your individual needs.

Through Lifestyle Medicine, we focus on the power of lifestyle choices in preventing and treating chronic conditions. Our programs encompass personalized nutrition plans, exercise prescriptions, stress management techniques, sleep optimization strategies, and more. 

By addressing these foundational pillars of health, we empower you to make sustainable lifestyle changes that lead to improved vitality and overall well-being.

In addition, our utilization of Positive Psychology helps unlock your inner potential and foster a positive mindset. We delve into the science of well-being, resilience, and personal growth to help you cultivate positive emotions, meaningful relationships, and a sense of purpose.

Our transformative programs provide you with practical tools to navigate life’s challenges, boost self-confidence, and enhance your overall satisfaction and fulfilment.

At BEST Health and Wellness, we are committed to guiding you on your journey to optimal well-being. Our innovative and evidence-based programs will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and support you need to make lasting positive changes in your life.

Experience the transformative power of BEST Health and Wellness. Take charge of your well-being and embark on a path towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life today.

Norwich Private GP Services

We deliver GP services that meet your need for quick access, clinical effectiveness, and compassion

BEST Health and Wellness

Your journey to the becoming the best (healthiest and happiest) version of yourself is one you should be on right now.

Norwich Private GP Services

Beat the queues for NHS General Practice and arrange an in-person or virtual consultation with a private GP to address your health problem

Best Health and Wellness

Lifestyle Medicine and Positive Psychology approaches empower you to optimise your health and wellness achieve your healthiest self

Norwich Private GP Services

We facilitate patients’ understanding of the root cause of their illness and the creation of individualised management plans