
World Suicide Prevention Day

couple reflecting on relationship challenges
World Suicide Prevention Day, observed on September 10th every year, serves as a crucial reminder of the urgent need to address mental health issues and reduce the burden of suicides in our society. Mental health is an integral part of our overall well-being, and its neglect can have devastating consequences. There are essential steps needed to generate positive mental health and reduce the burden of mental morbidities in society.
1. Raise Awareness:
The first step in preventing suicide is to raise awareness about the importance of mental health. We must break the stigma surrounding mental illnesses and encourage open conversations. By educating ourselves and others, we create a supportive environment where people feel comfortable seeking help when needed.
2. Early Intervention:
Early intervention is crucial in addressing mental health issues before they escalate. Regular mental health check-ups and screenings can help identify problems in their early stages. Employers, schools, and healthcare systems should prioritize mental health services and make them accessible to all.
3. Accessible and Affordable Care:
To reduce the burden of mental illnesses, we must ensure that mental health care is accessible and affordable. This includes improved availability of psychological services through the workplace and schools, adequate provision via services in primary care, insurance coverage for mental health services and the expansion of telehealth options, all making it easier for individuals to seek professional help.
4. Suicide Prevention Programs:
Communities and organizations should invest in suicide prevention programs. These programs offer support, resources, and crisis helplines for individuals in distress. Training community members, educators, and healthcare professionals in recognizing warning signs and providing assistance is vital.
5. Foster Supportive Relationships:
Strong social connections can act as a protective factor against suicide. Encourage the development of supportive relationships within families, schools, workplaces, and communities. Offering emotional support to those in need can make a significant difference in their mental well-being.
6. Mental Health Education:
Incorporate mental health education into school curricula and workplace training programs. Equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to manage stress, cope with challenges and have more resilience and be able to seek help when necessary.
7. Reduce Access to Lethal Means:
Limiting access to lethal means, such as firearms and medications, is a critical component of suicide prevention. Responsible gun ownership and safe storage practices can save lives. The identification of suicide locations such as bridges and railway lines and providing crisis information that can be viewed by distressed can be valuable.

8. Foster good mental health and wellness:

The suicide prevalence is closely related and proportional to the overall burden of mental illnesses and psychological distress across homes and communities. There is a real need to create a consciousness of health and wellbeing which is affected by social determinants including family and relationship dynamics, home stability, financial and social security, work and career development, and factors that affect an individual’s status including citizenship, education, healthcare and housing opportunities and the role of the criminal justice system.
On World Suicide Prevention Day, as a society we should commit to taking proactive steps to generate positive mental health and reduce the burden of mental morbidities in our society. By raising awareness, promoting early intervention, ensuring accessible care, implementing suicide prevention programs, fostering supportive relationships, providing education, and reducing access to lethal means, plus taking action to create and enhance wellbeing, we can make meaningful progress in preventing suicides and creating a mentally healthier world for all. Remember, every action counts in the journey toward a mentally healthier society.